Small Joys: Our Eagle Tree
Outside our studio in Cedar Rapids, IA we have a tree that we affectionally call “The Eagle Tree”. Our shop, and our Eagle Tree, are right next to the Cedar River. When the temperatures drop in winter, Bald Eagles flock to this tree to fish in the open water while the rest of the river is frozen. Today we counted around 30 eagles in and around our tree but at times have counted over 50.
Here are a few facts about Bald Eagles from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology:
Bald eagle’s nests are huge: the largest recorded was in in St. Petersburg, Florida and measured 2.9 meters in diameter and 6.1 meters tall!
Bald eagles develop the signature white plumage on their heads and tails at around 5 years old. Juvenile bald eagles have mottled brown feathers.
The bald eagle is a success story of conservation. Once numerous, bald eagle populations dropped drastically in the mid 1900’s. Listing the bald eagle for protection under the Endangered Species Act in the 1970’s lead to a dramatic resurgence in its population. The species was removed from the Endangered Species List in 2007.
We lucky to have the opportunity to observe these incredible birds.